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Divorce Lawyers In NYC – what divorce papers actually say?

Divorce Lawyers In NYC – Why you should ignore what divorce papers actually say and not get upset?

To start an action for divorce one party must serve a Summons with notice. This essentially alerts the court, and the other party about the matter. However, these initial papers contain a lot of standard language, and you should not get yourself worked up over what they may contain. I’m a divorce lawyer in NYC and here is what you need to know:

  1. A complaint is the second document in the initial papers for a divorce and is usually served with the Summons.
  2. The complaint lists out facts of the case and explains to the court why you should be granted a divorce. In addition, the initial papers list out certain reliefs you are requesting the court to grant. As divorce lawyers in NYC, we understand that it’s easy to read these reliefs and become confused or agitated at what your spouse is requesting.

Here’s why you should ignore what these papers say and not get upset. It’s standard language. Essentially, you must list all potential reliefs in the initial papers otherwise you cannot ask for them later in the case. What you should do is consult an attorney and make sure you get your answer in timely, or you risk defaulting and having all the reliefs granted by a judge.



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